What We Believe
Philosophy of Ministry

As God’s people called together in a gathered group of Spirit Filled Ministries, we have a command from the Word of God to obey the great commission. We are sent to exalt Christ, to encourage one another and to empower each person to evangelize with the excellence to go into the world to reach men for Christ.
Together, we reach up in worship to exalt Jesus Christ by praising, loving, thanking and following him in all things. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
Together, we reach in to be nurtured, educated and strengthened through the discipline, equipping, edification, and training of leaders to do the work of the ministry. (Ephesians 4:11-16)
Together, we reach around in fellowship. (Acts 2:42)
Together, we reach beyond in love to help fellow persons in need. (Matthew 25:31-46)
Together, we reach deeper into God’s resources through stewardship by putting God first to help advance the Kingdom of God. (II Corinthians 8:9-15, Matthew 6:33)
Statement of Faith

God: We believe there is one God. There are three persons of unity subsisting in one God head: The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Bible: We believe in the infallibility of the Word of God. The Holy Scriptures are without error. The Bible is divinely inspired through human authorship.
Man: We believe that man is a free will being whose will has been affected by the fall of Adam. Man has no power within himself to do good works, but his will must be influenced by the Holy Spirit to produce good works and develop good will.
Sin: We believe that sin came as a result of Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden. Hence, the sons of Adam are corrupt and have the inherent nature of sin. This nature is passed to all men.
Salvation: We believe that a person is saved by faith in Jesus Christ. He is not saved by good works or by his own merit. Rather, he is saved by faith in Christ and Christ alone. (Ephesians 2:8) However, we believe that every Christian should be careful to maintain good works.
The Church: The visible church is a congregation of faithful men and women who have expressed saving faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that Christians should regularly gather together for worship, prayer, fellowship, and the observance of baptism and Holy Communion.
Church History

As early as the spring of 1983, Pastor Baker realized that God was requiring him to start a church. In 1984, Pastor Baker took steps to begin an outreach ministry in this area. Being led by the Spirit of God, he felt the need for discipleship ministry with every member being trained and equipped to win souls for Christ. The vision was shared with other brothers and sisters who together became organizers.
After much prayer and communion with God, the group met at Burger King on Wynnton Road in Columbus, Georgia. A closer walk with Jesus, a spiritual renewal, an outreach to the lost, bruised, broken, forgotten, depressed, and all needy souls were imperative. Through Pastor Baker’s leadership, a church filled with the Spirit of God and led by the Holy Ghost was the burning desire of this group. Realizing that the church must completely rely on the Holy Spirit to accomplish this great task, the name Spirit Filled was suggested. The Modern Free Complex on 5th Avenue in Columbus, Georgia was agreed as the worship site. Discipleship training, a bus ministry, a door to door ministry, and a radio ministry were discussed as future projects.
On November 4, 1984, Spirit Filled Ministries officially began church service. Approximately 15 people joined Spirit Filled at the first worship service. From this initial membership, a choir was organized. Evening worship, discipleship training and Bible study began later in November 1984. 1n 1988, Spirit Filled Ministries acquired 5 acres of land at the corner of Morris Road and Mulberry Drive. In 1992, the church constructed a beautiful 8000 square foot facility. In 1993, the 3rd Sunday in October, the church moved to its present location at 3898 Mulberry Drive.
Spirit Filled continued to grow. In 2002, the church built a 15,000 square foot family life center. An academy, Spirit Filled Academy Inc., was started. In 2005, the church renovated its sanctuary. The church continued to expand its capacity to minister. In October 2008, the church opened a location on 5120 Macon Road in the building formerly known as The Estates. The church now has one church at two locations and provides three worship services.